Triumph, snus on cigarette shelf

"Our main target group for this new snus is cigarette smokers and Triumph is available in the places where cigarette smokers feel at home - that is, on cigarette shelves," explains Patrik Hildingsson, Vice President for New Business Development within Swedish Match North America Division.
Lorillard, the third largest tobacco company in the US, manufactures and sells Newport brand cigarettes and, as a result, has access to attractive retail space. The snus Triumph can be purchased from cigarette shelves, which makes the product more visible and accessible for consumers.
"In our partnership, we benefit from Swedish Match’s solid knowledge about developing and manufacturing smokefree products and Lorillard’s strong position in the US cigarette market," Hildingsson explains.
Triumph is a Swedish-style snus, but is also uniquely developed for the US market with its white portion packages arranged in an attractive star-shaped pattern. The can has a combi-lid for used pouches and the packaging is designed for extended shelf life.